Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Please Reprogram Yourselves

Recently, I found myself sucked into the endless loop of clicking articles linked in articles linked in articles until I had two dozen tabs open on various subjects... most of them relating to sex. I probably made the mistake of clicking on '10 Sex Tricks You Should Learn' and well... things snowballed out of control. Of course - that's part of the reason I love the internet. At any given time you can find thousands of articles and conversations taking place about whatever might be going through your head.

What I do remember is that I happened across this gem of an article titled 'Dear Girls, Please Shave Your Pubic Hair'. I knew as soon as I looked at the title that I should not click on it. I knew it; but naively I held out hope that the title was ironic and that the blogger in question would turn it around. He didn't.

As one reader aptly commented, if you break down the article into the sum of its parts his bottom line is this,

"I have watched so much porn that I now have only one idea of what is sexy and if you do not conform to that idea than I cannot maintain an erection."

Actually I liked a wide variety of the comments that weren't from fist bumping frat boys. I am almost glad I read the article (almost) just because I then got to see him get reamed by his own audience.

"So your basic thesis is that women should try to look as much like porn actresses as possible, because you're entitled to have reality conform to your expectations, even if those expectations are based on fiction."
- Emily

"If you can't stay hard because of your expectations from porn, you have bigger problems than any woman's pubic hair." 
- Katy

But, amidst the 'feminists' and 'hippies' tearing the author apart were the token male supporters; none of them had anything constructive to say, mostly they just wanted to put in their virtual high five and agree that women who look like women instead of prepubescent children when naked are repulsive; and yes, they actually used that word... repulsive.

Guys, let me break something down for you. If you are making blanket demands on the entire female population to fit your personal ideal for what is sexy than you sir are an asshole. 

You are completely dismissing the fact that many other men have different preferences than you but worse, you are basically treating all women as objects who are here for no other reason than to serve as a place for you to park your penis for a while.

Women are faced with unbelievable pressures to look, act and dress in ways that please men and frankly, I am tired of being treated as though the only thing of value I possess is my ability to arouse you.

Try connecting on a human level instead of an animal one, get to know a girl from the inside out. Once you realize how funny she is, how passionate or compassionate, once you love her for her soul then and only then can you say, "Babe, I would find it really sexy if you shaved your pussy." Otherwise your life is bound to be filled with shallow pleasures and long lasting disappointments.

Women (and men) are complex, creative, unique and amazingly funny and surprising creatures. Give the girl with the hairy cooter a chance, she might surprise you.